Management Consultancy – System Design and Implementation
Limited companies and various other types of entity have a statutory requirement to maintain records which enable them to produce financial information when required. Other businesses, whilst not covered by specific legislation, also have a duty to maintain records to enable tax liabilities etc to be calculated.Apart from such requirements, any business needs to know how it is doing.
The systems needed will vary enormously depending on the business. The smallest, simplest of businesses may need no more than a simple notebook showing income and expenditure. Larger businesses may need very sophisticated systems to deal with complex accounting and taxation reqirements.
Whatever the business, we can advise on and assist with the implementation of systems to control the financial and management functions of the business. We can supply Sage software direct or can assist with obtaining other packages, and we can help with all aspects of your system design (filing, division of duties etc)
If you think we might be able to help you, please contact us to arrange an appointment